Sie sind hier: Startseite Projects ArtistsInLab Robotics Summer 2009 Forum Project Overview

Project Overview

the questions we want to experiment on statements on robotics in art

Artists In Lab program - AILAB

Target is exchange and dissemination of working process and the notion of robotics in the art


During the AILAB programm different questions on robotics in the art should be discussed and announced. Here some key words listed on each prject

Karakuri Robots and Art - Kirsty Boyle

  • "The Uncanny Vally" (picture)
  • Non human shape robots (snake)
  • emotion recognition

target: "snake robots study"

"tragedy of the commons" - Rich Gilbank

targeted to limited resources and eating them.

  • swarm questions
  • emergence
  • small robots

target: a swarm of robots eating light

Robot heads and tracking - Florian Krebs

How much is needed to simulate a head in the project "trend is your friend"

  • social communication and robot heads

target: building a robot head and tracking real heads

Virtual Acoustic Instrument (VAI) - Birgit Gasteiger

A complex audio system using an "Audio Virtual Environment" as a base is extented with tactile interface to build the VAI

  • an acoustic room as robotic system
  • visualisation of sound
  • not realistic behaviour as extension

target: installation with the iemtable for playing with this instrument, a first approach

"Graz in the box" - Effi Tanner

  • robot imitating the sound of the city
  • coming from artistic approach

target: Sound Box doing differnt noises

"Me and the robot" - Niki Passath

  • How to create emotions
  • moving patterns for different emotios
  • mass of creatures and society

target: prototype for the movement study
