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the reactable team

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Sergi Jordà holds a PhD in Computer Science and Digital Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. He is the coordinator of the Interactive Systems area inside the Music Technology Group of the Audiovisual Institute, and associate professor at the aforementioned university. He has written many articles, books, given workshops and lectured though Europe, Asia and America. He currently performs with the free improvisation electronic group FMOL Trio. He as received several awards, including the Ciutat de Barcelona in multimedia category in 1999.

Günter Geiger is a researcher at the MTG, he has graduated in 1997 at the Technical University Graz, Austria. His main research interests are interactive systems and computer music software on portable devices. He is currently writing his doctorate thesis on computer music systems at the UPF. From the early beginnings he was involved in the development of the Pure Data computer music system. He has been working as a project leader in the AGNULA project.

Martin Kaltenbrunner is a researcher and Ph.D. candidate working in the Music Technology Group at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. His research covers the exploration of natural forms of Human Computer Interaction with the design of Tangible, Auditory and Mobile User Interfaces - topics which he has been teaching at various European universities. Currently he is mainly working on the interaction design of the reacTable and on reacTIVision, the open-source computer vision engine, developed for the instrument.

Marcos Alonso is the team's graphic designer and the man behind the graphics engine of the reactable. His further work includes a plug-in for the integration of pure-data (PD) into a web browser.

guest musicians:

Carlos López started his musical career playing guitar in several bands from Barcelona. Since 1996 he has been producing music for dance, theater and audiovisual performances for companies such as Sol Picó, Sergi Faustino among others. At the moment he is mostly working as a music producer and DJ.


former team members

Ross Bencina (computer vision engine)

Claudio Nervi (musician)

Ignasi Casasnovas (intern)

Gerda Strobl (intern)

Hugo Solis



