Sie sind hier: Startseite Projects ArtistsInLab Robotics Summer 2009 Rich Gilbank Swarm Hunger

Swarm Hunger

With the ever-growing development of technologies designed to fulfill societal needs, we have come to accept these solutions as permanent fixes to the side-effects of decadent lifestyles. But what parallels can be drawn between the emergent characteristics of humanity and their robotic counterparts? Are there societal problems which cannot be satisfied with technology? This project is an exploration of the properties of emergence and 'swarm logic'. Using a number of independent agents with specific rulesets acting in the interest of themselves, patterns begin to emerge and formation of structures focused on the good of the total system become apparent. Swarm Hunger is one step toward the development of these structures, and development will continue in the future.

The simulator of these agents, acting in their own interest. The files are written in Java using the libraries from Processing (


The software for creating the environment for the agents. It utilizes a webcam (the first one listed on a computer), to track blobs and black out areas where blobs are detected. It is intended to be used with an infrared filter on the camera so the infrared lights on the robots can be tracked. The software is made in Java, utilizing Processing and additional libraries such as ControlP5, BlobDetection, and ImageAdjuster.

