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Blog of MKLAVE

Mklave is an idea since the start of the new MKL and was started to be implemented in Dezember 2008...

Klang - Workshopkonzert
mklAVE Workshopkonzert mit Studierenden am Institut für Komposition und Elektroakustik an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Circular Ambisonics 2D
3D Sound Mixer
The "3D Sound Mixer" understands sound as spatial, sculptural phenomenon and aims to develop a universal software tools for controlling the spatial distribution of sound.
Auditory Virtual Environment (AVE)
An auditory virtual environment (AVE) is a virtual environment (VE) that focuses on the auditory domain only.
Virtual Environment (VE)
A virtual environment aims at creating situations in which humans have perceptions that do not correspond to their physical environment but to a virtual one.
Ambisonics is a series of techniques to record and replay a sound field.